CBMS 3rd Annual Children’s Art Festival

CBMS 3rd Annual Children’s Art Festival

I hope you and your family are doing well!

CBMS is hosting its 3rd Annual Children’s Art Festival and we invite all our little community artists to participate! The event date is 10am-1:30pm August 7th and it will take place virtually. Please refer to the attached poster for more details.

Winners of the competition will be recognized at an award ceremony on August 14th. We had a successful event last year with over 50 participants ranging from ages 6 to 18. Don’t miss out on this year’s event!

Sign up, by August 4th (11:59pm): bit.ly/36wZfXY

For any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Email: abeedzaman0@gmail.com
Cellphone: 873-288-2064

Hope to see you soon!

Abeed Zaman
Social Program Officer,
Summer Jobs Program
on behalf of CBMS Executive Committee