Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
As a humble volunteer-based community organization, Canada Bangladesh Muslim Community (CBMC) commenced its journey in 1993, and has today grown in size and activities over the years.
We incorporated recently with Industry Canada as Canada Bangladesh Muslim Society (CBMS) considering our growth, expanded activities, and interaction with diverse multi-faith groups. Unfortunately we could not register as CBMC as that acronym was already taken.This incorporation was deemed expedient in order to encompass continuing goals and activities. Effective March 1, 2021, we have become a legal entity under the banner Canada Bangladesh Muslim Society (CBMS).
We are also very excited to announce our new logo above and below, based on a participative process where our community kids submitted many creative ideas. Over the next few weeks all our online and digital assets will also undergo a name change.
CBMS will continue undertaking activities representing Bangladeshi Muslim culture and values, embedded in and integrated with Canadian culture and values.
Please make a note of this change – CBMC has become CBMS [Canada Bangladesh Muslim Society] effective March 1st, 2021.
We all expect that CBMS will continue to gain strength and vigor with all our well-wishers and patrons.
Thanks and wassaalam
CBMS Executive Committee